Ancient Ways for Modern Days …
Sound healing is the use of instruments and voice as a tool to benefit the mental and physical wellbeing of humanity and has been practiced for thousands of years.
As full-time practitioners based in Shelburne, Nova Scotia we utilize Paiste planet gongs, bowls and tuning forks, some of the oldest types of instruments on the planet, to bring together these ancient tools to effectively deal with the demands of these very unique times.
What was once considered a decidedly fringe healing practice is now considered by many as cutting edge and is supported by a wealth of scientific research - some of which is quoted below - and as such can have a very positive impact on a range of illnesses/ailments such as, but not entirely limited to:
Sleep disorders
Musculoskeletal pain
To date we have worked with hundreds of individuals as well as with groups in schools, with teachers’ unions, yoga schools, frontline healthcare workers and the Department of Defence to help military personnel and their families in dealing with PTSD.
We have appeared at numerous health and wellness shows, conferences and charity events throughout NS and built a ‘gong bath’ following in Halifax that regularly saw 80-130 souls attend.
Our work has been featured in the media - see 'About Us' for more - in both local and national publications and we have appeared on Provincial radio and TV stations.
Through sound we help people to quieten the chatter of their mind, body and soul - which is a deeply relaxing and therapeutic experience. We use a range of ancient instruments including Paiste planet gongs, Himalayan & crystal singing bowls, along with tuning forks and other soothing instruments in order to do this.
We will help to support you, relax your body, calm your being and offer a reprieve from your daily stresses and worries. Gongs especially are ideal for stress and pain reduction, deep relaxation, healing and personal transformation. It has been shown that sound, through entrainment, can quickly take human brainwaves down to the Theta and Delta states i.e those long slow, electromagnetic waves in our brain that are associated with deep relaxation and/or meditation and, in so doing, promoting myriad benefits to our wellbeing.
We can also assist in developing a wellness strategy for your business, big or small, to help maintain a healthy, happy and productive workforce.
We offer our services to individual and groups, both in person (government regulations permitting) and via our newly developed Remote Sessions.
Potential benefits of Gong Sound Meditation include:
- Calmer and clearer thinking
- Restores intrinsic state of balance and relaxation
- Improved immune system functionality
- A greater sense of wellbeing
- Less stress and anxiety
For employees and employers it has the potential to help with:
Less workplace absenteeism
More creativity and innovative practices
Reduces the risk of injury
More effective problem solving capabilities
Increased learning capacity
Increased workforce productivity
We can't always change what is going on around us but we can affect what is going on within us.
We offer in-person services for individuals, groups and businesses at our ocean-side location or we can visit you (government restrictions permitting).
For Services in Person and online Visit our SHOP In addition to Sound Therapy and managing Stress we also offer Life coaching to help you live the best life, Clairvoyance, development workshops , stress management workshops and Aura Graphs.
“Sound Therapy is a new, exciting field with the potential to completely shift our heath care paradigm and is boundless in its potential ramifications. Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiologic functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical dis-order.”
We are very proud and grateful for this acknowledgement from the OSISS Program for our work with military personnel and their families.
Trauma is so debilitating and harmful to our being - whatever walk of life you are from, whatever the cause, PLEASE DON’T DO IT ALONE.
Reach out to someone and let them, whoever they are, help share the load.
Rita & Phil x
“After suffering many years of depression, anxiety, anger, frustration and also having visited numerous counsellors and therapists I felt my situation seemed totally hopeless. All this changed when Rita and Phil entered my life. Through their sound healing therapy and life coaching I was able to overcome my problems and move forward with my life for the first time in twenty years. I feel ‘Life Changing’ is a greatly over-used term these days but the healing, help, support and guidance I have received from Rita and Phil has certainly been just that. I cannot thank them enough.”
Neil, Liverpool, England.
“Incredible. EVERYONE should have this – words can’t describe it, it’s like nothing I’ve ever known.”
SJ Canada
“WOW WOW WOW I am STILL Vibrating days later I can still feel it OMG ! LOL it’s TOTALLY something else. There are no words – really, there are NO words. Incredible. Thank you .”
JM Nova Scotia